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How I Dealt With Depression

      Dealing with depression

Depression is a deep emotional/mental state of helplessness and panic.
That could either make you turn violent or withdrawn.
We all go through periods of depression but what makes tu different from one individual to another is how we handle it.
I had to intentionally pay attention, so i can find out what triggers me and cut off the sources.

        The first thing i discovered was that certain scenario and events, tends to trigger me off.
Especially when i watch some movies, read certain stories and listen to certain people or see certain people been mistreated.
I paid attention to the kind of movies i watch, stories i read and people i listened to.
Movies portraying violence against women, children and vulnerable people was top on the list, same with the stories.
People who are verbally and emotional abusive was another source that triggered me off.

At this point i sorted for solutions and how to deal with my depressive thoughts and feelings.
It was a long and difficult journey, yeah because most of this issues, were stuffs i could identify with.
I observed that my first reaction was intense anger and frustration at my inability to help this people group, who desperately need all the help they can ever get, whom sadly the society care little about.

Here are the few actions i took that helped me.
1. I caught down my exposure to movies and contents that contained violence against women, children and vulnerable people.
2. I changed my circle of friends, i sort out friends who would help and support me.
I redifined my relationship with most of my old friends and spent less time with them.
Yeah, spending less time with them, means cutting off the sources of negative energy, and growing my emotional and mental health.
3. I conditioned my atmosphere by playing songs that lift my mood, yeah sometimes i listened to one song all day. I just place it on repeat and let it play until my spirit is light and aglow with God's love.
4. I studied my bible more and that was the bomb, the more i feed my mind with God's word the more i felt better.
Read this bible verses and meditate on it.
2 Timothy 1:7 , Isaiah 61 : 3 , Psalm 30 : 5 , Joel 2 : 32 , 2 Corinthians 10 3 - 5 and James 4 : 7 really helped me.
5. I formed a habit of praying over my thoughts, i discovered that asking God to control of my thoughts and help me was a huge source of encouragement.
6. I had to make peace with my past, i had to acknowledge that their was nothing i could have done to prevent what i went through.
I dealt with the reasons why those movies, stories and events triggers me off the way it does.
I allowed God to heal me and show me how to use my story and experience to help other people in my capacity.

If i overcame depression, you all can.
Just take some time out to find out what your triggers are and start blocking them off.
Deal with your past mistakes, sort out your feelings about whatever incident or events of the past and move on.
That way you break the hold of depression over your life.

Depression, Emotional health, mental health, healthy relationship


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