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GOD OF BETHEL (Gen. 31: 13)

I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar and where you made a vow to me. Now leave this land at once and go back to your native land.
Bethel is a combination of two words i.e. Beth which means house and el meaning God. Beth- el = house of God. It was the place where Jacob had his reported first encounter with the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac (Gen. 28: 10ff). It was where he received inspiring promises that energized him to work very hard wherever he went without minding the rigors involved, which actually led him to greatness in life. Bethel was an important place as far as Jacob was concerned.
We should not forget that this January is our month of emancipation when we are encouraged to move from slavery to liberty, from poverty to prosperity. Bethel provided Jacob an experience that would last forever yet he, at a time, forgot about the place. Why? We saw in the story of his sojourn in Haran where he had gone to get a wife for himself that he met with another cheater who was a good player just like him. The man Laban, at first gave Jacob acceptability which made Jacob to forget about his home land. He was well received and everyone in the family seemed to like him especially when he started serving Laban who was to become his father-in- law. He was well treated at first but not quite long, he was beaten to his game. He was given Leah instead of Rachel he had labored seven years for. He was given the opportunity to serve for the next seven years for his real choice which he did. His father, Isaac, got married from the same place and was not forced to work before being blessed with Rebecca the mother of Jacob. In fact, Isaac did not go out at all but a messenger was sent.
Another thing was that he was enjoying sex with four women even though he legally got married to two. This must have occupied his mind that he could not think properly again. He also got the mercy of God as he was serving like a slave to his uncle. He was divinely blessed. The man, his master, wanted him to be a slave forever and was not ready to give him his worth. The man changed his wages ten times within twenty years of his stewardship (Gen. 31: 41). Some times when the child of God is not well positioned God may allow some ugly situations to spring up so as to push us to the right place.
In Gen. 28: 20-22 Jacob had made some promises which he forgot as he was serving Laban. He had vowed that the Lord will be his God he would always serve. Bethel would be the house of God and that he would always treat the place as such. I need to ask you reader, how do you see the house of God today? Do you come to church to show off or to return a fight? Do you go to church for position or to worship God? We must bear it in mind that the church is a house of God, not a market place where we talk anyhow. Jacob also promised to pay the accurate tithe of all that God may give to him. Do you pay your own tithe or you believe in the wrong teaching going on, a deceit from the camp of the devil to cheat the unwise? Pay your tithe as and when due so that you may have more from the Lord.
Child of God, you will need to go back to the God of Bethel, He is the God of promise and a God of fulfillment. He has a lot to give out to you, He has more than you can imagine. He loves you and wants you to maintain your relationship with him. God of Bethel has promised not to leave you till He fulfills all that He has promised. We wish to strongly recommend that you make God happy by depending on Him alone all the days of your life. Remain blessed in the Lord.
Monday: - Lord, remember me always especially when I am going astray call me to order IJN
Tuesday: - God of Bethel, please, attend to my needs, grant me favor to excel IJN
Wednesday: - Wherever I have been enslaved, Lord, set me free IJN
Thursday: - whoever is sitting on my blessing, Lord please remove him/her and place me in my rightful place IJN
Friday: - Father in heaven, remove every impediment along the path of progress of Seed of Life IJN
Saturday: - God of all nations, save Nigeria IJN


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