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GOD IS OUR REFUGE (Psalm 46: 1-3

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.
A refuge is a place where people are saved from something threatening or harmful or unpleasant. It is a place where joy, happiness and progress could be found. Trouble on the other hand could be a moment when one is in a tight place, in a corner and unable to come out of it. In 2Kings 19, the Assyrian officials besieged Jerusalem and there seemed to be no way out for the Israelites. The king went to the temple to pray to God and request for help. King Hezekiah knew there was no way his people could withstand the Assyrians but God came to their rescue, He became a refuge to them. The earth may change, the mountains may be hurled violently into the sea, there may come earthquakes and tidal waves, but all things are in the control of our sovereign Lord. Just as it has been mentioned in verse three of our text, we see the waters of the seas roaring and foaming every day which symbolizes unrest. There could be unrest in the society where we find ourselves, yet the Lord being our refuge will not allow the waters to sweep us away. Our situation may change to an unpleasant one but God’s covenant with His people will never change. He is our strong tower and refuge in the uncertainties of the world.
In 1967 war broke out against Israel, the Arab nations ganged up to annihilate Israel. The war was very fierce the Arabs seemed to be winning. The only way left for the soldiers of Israel to escape was laden with landmines. They were running from the battle and the Arabs were pursuing, suddenly they discovered the landmines, they then realized there was no way of escape. The commander then met with his officials and they all came to a conclusion that only God can rescue them. It was then they recollected how their fore fathers used to enjoy the mercy of God. The company was then assembled for prayer. While praying God came to their rescue, there was a pressure from only God knows where and the landmines were detonated completely. At the sound of the buried explosives the Arabs, instead of furthering their military campaign, they started celebrating victory they never got for they thought the Israelites had been killed. Before they could come to realize what had happened, Israel came after them and rooted them to an extent that it was reported that Arabs lost more than twenty thousand fighting men while Israel lost less than one thousand.
When there is storm of life we must, as Christians, call upon God our creator so that He can come to our rescue. We can do this in our day to day prayer to Him. We should also know that even in victory there is blessing. When God become our refuge, He will also bring blessing our way. He did it for the Israelites during the reign of king Asa. Though they were faced with a vast army, yet they overcame them by the help of God and did not even stop at that, the bible says that they plundered all the villages and the camp of the herdsmen. They went back home not just winning the war but also with a lot of booty. No matter the challenges you are faced with in this New Year, you will not only overcome but you will be abundantly blessed. God will keep you saved; He will rescue you from sicknesses and diseases and even every form of violence that may come. Remain blessed in the Lord.  
Monday: - Save me o Lord from those who are powerful than me IJN
Tuesday: - Answer me o Lord every time I call on you that I may find refuge in you IJN
Wednesday: - Wherever the enemies have caged me, release me now IJN
Thursday: - Father in heaven, expose and frustrate all the plans of my enemies IJN
Friday: - Keep us save in Seed of Life o Lord throughout the year and beyond IJN
Saturday: - Father, frustrate the plan of the beast eating up Nigeria IJN          


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