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King Xerxes imposed tribute throughout the empire, to its distant shores. And all his acts of power and might, together with a full account of the greatness of Mordecai to which the king had raised him, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Media and Persia? Mordecai the Jew was second in rank to King Xerxes, preeminent among the Jews, and held in high esteem by his many fellow Jews, because he worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews. 

It will be foolhardy for anyone to plant corn and be expecting the miracle of harvesting yam. Whatever you sow is what you are going to reap. In other word, whatever you do to another person, be expecting it back even beyond the level of what you did. It could be good or bad but be sure that you will have a reward for every of your actions. Just like the statement made by late Dele Giwa that “every evil done by man to man shall be rewarded, if not now certainly later, if not by man, certainly by God, for the victory of evil over good can only be temporal.” When you are climbing up, watch the way you behave to people along the way because you may need them while coming down. You want certain blessing from God? Then you need to be nice in your own way to people around you so that He will have favor on you and grant you your request. 
Like we have seen in our passage this morning, Mordecai was not a native of the land yet he got to the highest rank anyone can get to in the land aside the position of the king. He was a slave captured from Israel; he was always at the entrance to the king’s palace. He was living on charity that will come from the king’s house. He could not be regarded as a noble man but he continued to be nice to people around him and he was handsomely rewarded beyond his imagination. Someone reading this piece will be rewarded beyond his/her expectation in the name that is above every other name, in Jesus’ name. Amen.  The man Mordecai was hated by the second in command to the king to an extent that he was slated to be hung on the gallows the man had erected. When it was time for reward, Mordecai, a slave in the land, was dressed in the king’s dress and rode on the king’s horse. It did not end there; he took over the position of the man who plotted to kill him. All what Haman had labored for, all his wealth and his house became the property of Mordecai. Mordecai became land owner in a foreign land; he became a ruler in a strange land. I see the person reading this message become great even where he/she is not expecting in Jesus’ name. 
Why was Mordecai rewarded to that extent? Why was he honored and held in high esteem by his people? He was good to everyone and he worked for the good of his own blood people. How good are you to your family and people around you? How many of them are singing praises in your honor? If you quit the stage today will people not begin to express gratitude to God for taking you away from them? Some so called principled Christians do not give joy to their own family not to talk of others around them. When some of them are out the children will rejoice and the moment they are back at home, sorrow has returned. If you are in that category you can be sure that your own family will not wish you any good and if they want evil for you in their hearts you can be sure of what you will get from the Lord. We must not forget that whatever we do to people around us we do it to God our creator (Matt.25:34-46). There is no height that God cannot take you to, your position cannot hinder God nor could the town you find yourself from raising you to an enviable position in life if you are also good to people around you. Before the end of this month, I see you being honored above all your equals in Jesus’ name. Remain blessed in the Lord. 
Monday: - No matter my location, please Lord, bring my blessing to me IJN 
Tuesday: - Father, bring your judgment on my enemies and give me joy IJN 
Wednesday: - Father, remember me for the good that I have done and reward me handsomely IJN 
Thursday: - Father, remove whoever is blocking my reward and lead me to my position of honor IJN 
Friday: - Father, raise up helpers for Seed of Life and fulfill your promises IJN 
Saturday: - Father, take away the beasts troubling Nigeria and give us peace IJN


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