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For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. 
In Genesis chapter one, the bible made us to understand that man was originally made in the likeness of God. We have the capability to act like God; we possess the characters of God. And in verses 26 to 28 God blessed us and commanded us to multiply, to increase and to replenish. By this blessing pronounced on us, we have the potential to expand to any limit we may desire. It also conferred on us the grace to be alive in our environment so as to make the best use of all the time and season. In basic biology, we were taught the characteristics of living things. We shall consider some of them in this discussion today. 
Movement: - a living thing has the capability to move from one place to the other. If anyone will make it in life, he must not be static, he must be mobile. When God was to bless Abraham, He commanded him to go out of his father’s house and start moving from one place to the other. He told him to walk round the land He was going to give to him and his children to come after him. If you must expand you must be willing to move from where you are to places you wish to get to. You must wake up from your sleep, wake up from the dead. Take a step, do away with mediocrity. 
Respiration: - in respiration, man takes in oxygen and breathes out carbon dioxide while plant takes in carbon dioxide and breathes out oxygen. So what is a waste to man becomes the essential for the plant. When a man stops breathing, he is considered dead. For one to wake up from sleep such must start breathing, so if anyone is interested in expansion, he must not stop breathing out carbon dioxide for the use of the plants around him so that he can as well be readily supplied with oxygen needed to keep him alive. How have you been breathing on others around you? How many people have you helped in your life? For God to expand you, you must activate your latent potentials by helping others. 
Nutrition: - living thing must be able to feed well for it to function effectively. A man that is not well fed will not be able to excel. He will not be able to think right. Man must ensure that he takes correct and balanced diet so as to live well. When a person stop eating food, he/she is getting ready for the grave. No food no life. The word of God is the food that the Christian needs to feed on so that it can be well with him/her. You need the word of God daily. How often do you study the bible alone, with your family and with others in the church? Do you attend bible study in your church at all? 
This study will, by the grace of God, continue next week because of time and space constraint. We wish to let you know that you have the potential to expand, to succeed and to improve beyond this your present level. God has invested in you the great ability all that you need now is to activate it by taking steps as enumerated above and others that will be discussed next week. Remain blessed in the Lord. 
Monday: - Thank you Lord for creating me in your likeness, accept my praises IJN 
Tuesday: - I reject every form of stagnation in my life IJN 
Wednesday: - Every instrument of the devil or of sin holding me down, break now IJN 
Thursday: - Give me o Lord the grace to help others so that you can expand me IJN 
Friday: - Father, please breathe on Seed of Life so that we can be alive and breathe on others in need IJN 
Saturday: - God of all nations, please give us peace in Nigeria IJN 


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