As a Christian, the most important aspect of my life is my relationship with God. My life is all about Jesus. He is my identity, my passion. When Debbie and I read and discuss the Word together, we are sharing the most important facet of our lives. We are connecting in a profound, powerful way. We are moving together toward the same horizon – experiencing the presence of God together in our life and marriage. This promotes spiritual oneness, communion with God and unity with each other. When you participate in a weekly Bible study with a group of men or ladies where everyone is studying the same passages and each person discusses what God has personally shown them and how it has impacted their lives, a deep bond develops. You become concerned about what is going on in the lives of all of the other people in the group. Your care and love for each person in the group increases. Your desire to pray for each participant grows. When you have a bible st...
Impacting Lives with words that Touch Transforms,and have Total impact on every reader