• When do you catch yourself playing the “If, then” game? How does that affect your relationship with your spouse? • Do you consider you spouse a teammate? Do you treat him or her as a teammate? • Would you consider you and your spouse to be on the same team, working from the same playbook in all aspects of your marriage? Why? • Do you play any games with your marriage? Which ones? Who wins? Who loses? • Describe to your spouse your mindset when you make love with each other. Do you play a game so that you get what you want? Share these questions with your spouse: • What is love? • What is intimacy? • How would you describe the intimacy within your marriage? • What does giving a gift mean to you? • Are some gifts more significant than others? Why? • What is the most significant gift you can give? Are you willing to give it? Share these questions with your spouse: • Scripture says that we are made in the image of God. What does that mean to you? • What q...
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