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Topics on Christian Youth Dating

Anyone who dates wants to ultimately end up in a happy relationship in which both man and woman show mutual love and respect for one another. Strong Christian principles found in the Bible should influence dating activities of young Christian couples. Christians believe that God created young men and women to get together through physical attraction. However, the faith calls on Christians to keep sexual urges under control up to the moment when they will be joined in marriage. Because of this mandate, Christians remain continually aware that dating naturally leads to a life-long relationship within the institution of marriage. This creates a very different set of topics concerning Christian youth dating.

Real Christians

How does one identify another as a "real" Christian? Spending time with another person in several different circumstances and places can help. Careful observation of potential dating partners should bring out the important characteristics that define a true Christian. Look for meaningful signs that a person has a genuine faith and a willingness to obey God's Word in their life. Other signs of genuine faith show up as the ability to spiritually discern the difference between walking by faith and walking in the world. Godly attitudes toward others, work, lifestyle, church, finances and family indicate an abundant life that desires a right relationship with God. Real Christians walk the walk and don't just talk the talk.

Godly Relationships vs. Worldly Relationships

Understanding what God wants from a relationship leads to better understanding of what to look for in a potential dating partner. Simply put, the world places a different set of values on relationships between men and women. The world sees physical attraction and sexual pleasure as highly important. However, God's Word specifically excludes any sexual activity from those who remain unmarried. God reserves that physical intimacy for the marriage bed only. Christians believe marriage ordained by God remains authoritative and therefore abide by the mandate to remain sexually pure until marriage. Potential Christian dating partners should abide by the words found in the Bible concerning marriage. An ideal relationship should include unconditional love, happiness, fidelity, honesty, and two people coming together to form one person.

Sex and Christian Teen Dating

Sex has so many different definitions these days. Sex can mean oral sex, fondling, intercourse or even texting. Because of those many different definitions, the actual boundaries that formerly indicated what defines sex have become blurred. Young Christians remain in a difficult situation because of these blurred boundary lines. When two young Christians start dating, each person will likely have a different definition of what sex actually involves. Whenever a topic exists where there seems only gray areas, God has provided a clear answer. According to the New Testament writings in Matthew 5:28, any person engages in sexual activity when they look on another and lust, or sexually desire them. God remains clear and forbids sex outside the marriage relationship for Christians.

Online Dating

The process of dating means meeting and interacting online with all kinds of young people who may have different value systems, attitudes and backgrounds. For teens under age 18, that means connecting in chat rooms, texting or meeting people in secular dating sites for teens. If over the age of 18, participate with other singles online with a Christian dating service. Some potential dating partners may only want friendship while others desire a more romantic relationship. Some look for simple socialization and others seem ready to jump into marriage as soon as possible. 
Most Christians look for a husband or wife, another person with whom they can have a meaningful and life-long relationship. On-line dating allows Christians to meet in a safe and secure virtual environment where people can find out more about each other, determine if they have similar values, and share the same goals in a relationship. Take care to avoid the temptation to engage in sexual discussion especially when on-line.


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