THE IMPORTANCE OF CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIPS FOR YOUR KIDS, AND HOW PARENTS CAN HELP With the back-to-school season getting underway, parents have been working diligently to ensure their child has everything they need to get back to class. Unfortunately, in the busy scheme of things one essential element of our children’s lives can get overlooked: friendships. It is not just math and writing that our kids learn at school. They are also learning to make friends. But, do your kids understand how crucial it is for their development to have the right kind of friend? Desiring God pastor, John Piper, says that we find joy when we are with others who love what we love (God) and, when we partner with those people to pursue God’s work in our lives and the world. So, how do we teach our kids to find those people that will fill their lives with joy? What to look for in a friend? When you or your child are seeking out new friendships it is important to be discerning. We can ...
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