"Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."
Reward is the value of what is given as a gift for an action taken. The world is a stage and everyone here is an actor, everyone is a player. The Lord Jesus Christ is the umpire who is judging our performances with a view to reward us according to what each of us deserve. No wonder, sometimes the umpire issues out the red card to some people to get out of the field completely, that happens when one dies and quit the stage forever. And sometimes it could be that the person has finished his/her game and must go home. The kind of home that each one goes is a reward of what has been done here on earth. There is a place which is a reward for the evil doers and a place for the righteous. The wicked will make hell while the righteous will end up in heaven i.e. everlasting joy. Jesus said the He is coming soon, how soon is this soon? What time will it be? How can we suspect His coming? Or will He come at all? These are questions agitating the minds of several people but the truth is that He will soon come.
In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus gave us clues to what will happen before His return. He also mentioned that no one knows the time, the date or the hour that His coming will take place. It is expected that the wise must get ready always as He may come at anytime. He said that it will be like the days of Noah when people did not believe that God was going to bring rain on earth to destroy the then entire world. Instead of getting ready they kept themselves busy given their children for marriage and other social functions until the rain started and they went to the ark to meet Noah for help but there was nothing Noah could do. So it will be again when the Son of man shall be revealed. I remember there was a year that someone predicted that the world was coming to an end on a particular day. Several people started selling their properties, some were giving out theirs free probably God may count that as part of good work and grant them a place in heaven. Several people came to the church for evening service thinking that Jesus will meet them at worship center and reward them with a place in the kingdom of God. Others were in the beer parlor drinking beer and other vices saying that they were doing send forth. Some of them said they wanted to get so drunk that when Jesus would come He will be so annoyed that He would throw them in such a manner that they would land behind the fire in hell. How wise were this type of people? At the end of the day, Jesus did not come till now. We wish to tell you that what He said will surely come to pass. He is coming soon. What kind of reward are you expecting from Him? The time to get ready is now. He is coming with His reward. Remain blessed in the Lord.
Monday: - Thank God for the warning He has given for the wise
Tuesday: - Father help me to keep your commandment that I may make heaven at last IJN
Wednesday: - Is there anything in me now that will not make me get a good reward, please Lord, take it away from me IJN
Thursday: - Father, let every instrument of the devil working in my life die now IJN
Friday: - Lord Jesus, please keep Seed of Life members on track always so that we can all make heaven IJN
Saturday: - Father, let there be peace in Nigeria IJN
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