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If the Lord had not been on our side — let Israel say — if the Lord had not been on our side when men attacked us, when their anger flared against us, they would have swallowed us alive;  the flood would have engulfed us, the torrent would have swept over us,  the raging waters would have swept us away.  Praise be to the Lord, who has not let us be torn by their teeth.  We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped.  Our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. 
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a snare is a device used for catching small animals and birds, especially one that holds their leg so that they cannot escape. It is also a situation which seems attractive but is unpleasant and difficult to escape from. The fowler’s snare is therefore a trap set by a person to catch bird. If a bird is caught in the neck, it must not struggle at all otherwise it will only succeed in tightening the snare’s choke-hold the more. It is not possible for the bird to get out of it by its own effort, it needs help. Such was the case of David in our passage today; he said miraculously the snare is broken. He was in a serious problem that he could not have come out of it by his own effort or wisdom, but surprisingly, he saw the snare broken just like that. He acknowledged that it must be God who could be behind such a miracle. 
There are several so called fowlers’ snares in the world today that many Christians have been caught. There are several attractive but unpleasant and difficult situations that several Christians have either been forced or lured into at present. These are situations that require a divine intervention otherwise there is no way one can come out of them. How, for instance, can anyone think of a way of escape for the Jews under the reign of Ahasuerus when Haman planned to annihilate them completely. Haman had laid the snare completely for them; humanly speaking there was no prospect of their escape: but the Lord was on their side; and the providence that induced Ahasuerus to call for the book of the records of the kingdom to be read to him, as well indeed as the once very improbable advancement of Esther to the throne of Persia, was the means used by the Lord for the preservation of the whole Jewish people from extermination. God thus broke the snare, and the bird escaped; while the poacher was caught in his own trap, and executed. (Culled from Adam Clark’s Bible Commentary). In chapter twelve of the book of Acts, Peter was into the prison, he was bound with two chains between two solders; and the guards before the door were keeping the prison. Sixteen solders in all were watching only him. Humanly speaking there was no way of escape for the man of God but miraculously, the angel of God led him out. God miraculously went into the prison to free Paul and Silas, the chains and fetters fell off them and they were finally set at liberty. 
What is your own type of snare? Have you ever felt trapped by overwhelming odds? There is an angel of God to lead you out of it. Peter was not expecting that he was going to live again especially when the church just lost one important elder James the brother of John. Have you resigned to faith that that situation cannot be changed or that the sickness has no cure and you are prepared for death? The choice is yours but I have come this morning to announce to you that the snare is broken; there is a way of escape for you. The devil must have believed that there was no way for man to return to his original position at creation but Jesus came as a surprise to provide the way of escape. If you fail to make heaven, it is your choice. Jesus came to set everybody free from the snares of sin and of the world. Avail yourself this opportunity give your very self to Him. There is no situation, time or period that God cannot change. Haven’t you heard, haven’t you seen it and haven’t you felt it that the snare is broken? You need to emancipate yourself from mental slavery. The snare is broken, arise and begin to celebrate your freedom. Remain blessed in the Lord. 
Monday: - Thank you Jesus for keeping me alive despite all efforts of the devil to take my life. 
Tuesday: - In whatever form I have been tied down, I claim my freedom now IJN 
Wednesday: - Every wrong association that I have joined, I renounce my membership IJN 
Thursday: - I command every trap set for me and my family be broken now IJN 
Friday: - Father, make Seed of Life a deliverance center IJN 
Saturday: - Father, let Nigeria be free from the hands of blood sucking beasts IJN


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