DELAY IS DANGEROUS (Gen. 19: 15-17)
With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished." When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them. As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, "Flee for your lives! Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!"
The Lord has instructed us that we should hold on to the Rock of Ages for there would be trouble in the world this month. One may then ask when we need to do that. The time is now because delay is dangerous. As we could see from the above passage, Lot’s wife looked back though they have been instructed not to and she perished. Not that she just looked but while others were going forward holding on to the Rock of Ages, she delayed behind them. Why did she do that? Probably, she was thinking of the enjoyment they were leaving behind or other wealth, landed properties they had acquired in the land. The problem with the wife of Lot was that she could not imagine the better things which the Rock of Ages had in stock for them. She could not see beyond her immediate environment hence she delayed.
Total obedient to the will and command of God is a pre-requisite to being able to hold on to Him one who can give you a save landing. We saw in father Abraham that he always obeyed God no matter how difficult it might be. He did it to an extent that he agreed to sacrifice his promised son to God. We saw a contrast in our passage this morning; Lot could not grab the opportunity that was presented to him very fast. It went to bad that the angels of God had to hold his hand and those of his family members so that they could be saved. The first time God rescued Lot, he was a prisoner of war (14:12, 16); and he went right back into Sodom. That painful experience should have warned him that he was out of the will of God; but if Lot heard the warning, he certainly did not heed it. Now God has to take Lot by the hand and forcibly drag him out of Sodom! First, Lot lingered; then he argued; then he begged to be allowed to go his own way. Instead of being grateful for God's mercy and obeying his rescuers, Lot resisted them and created trouble for them. Do you need to delay till an angel of God will come to hold your hand? You may not that be lucky.
One thing is evidently clear from our passage today, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of the righteous judgment of God which is coming upon the sons of evil ones in this present world. It is also true that God's love for lost sinners is clearly seen in this story. Jesus certainly did not approve of the lifestyle of the men of Sodom, but He came to save sinners just like those in Sodom and Gomorrah (Matt 9:9-17). When He ministered on earth, He was known as "a Friend of tax collectors and sinners" (11:19) — and He was. It is not true that Jesus hates you but the sin that is in your life. What a privilege we have that the Rock of Ages came down to us today like He did for the children of Israel while coming out of slavery to liberty. If you heard Him speak today do not harden your hearts (Ps.95:7, 8), answer and hold on to Him because delay could be dangerous. Remain blessed in the Lord.
Monday: - Father, I thank you for giving me Jesus Christ to redeem me from the power of death IJN
Tuesday: - Lord, give me the listening ears to hear you when you speak IJN
Wednesday: - Father in heaven, give me good speed that I may not lose hold of you IJN
Thursday: - Lord, I decree that I shall not be destroy for my ineptitude IJN
Friday: - Lord, save every member of Seed of Life from the present trouble of this nation IJN
Saturday: - Please Lord, do not destroy Nigeria in your anger, have mercy on us IJN
With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished." When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the Lord was merciful to them. As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, "Flee for your lives! Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!"
The Lord has instructed us that we should hold on to the Rock of Ages for there would be trouble in the world this month. One may then ask when we need to do that. The time is now because delay is dangerous. As we could see from the above passage, Lot’s wife looked back though they have been instructed not to and she perished. Not that she just looked but while others were going forward holding on to the Rock of Ages, she delayed behind them. Why did she do that? Probably, she was thinking of the enjoyment they were leaving behind or other wealth, landed properties they had acquired in the land. The problem with the wife of Lot was that she could not imagine the better things which the Rock of Ages had in stock for them. She could not see beyond her immediate environment hence she delayed.
Total obedient to the will and command of God is a pre-requisite to being able to hold on to Him one who can give you a save landing. We saw in father Abraham that he always obeyed God no matter how difficult it might be. He did it to an extent that he agreed to sacrifice his promised son to God. We saw a contrast in our passage this morning; Lot could not grab the opportunity that was presented to him very fast. It went to bad that the angels of God had to hold his hand and those of his family members so that they could be saved. The first time God rescued Lot, he was a prisoner of war (14:12, 16); and he went right back into Sodom. That painful experience should have warned him that he was out of the will of God; but if Lot heard the warning, he certainly did not heed it. Now God has to take Lot by the hand and forcibly drag him out of Sodom! First, Lot lingered; then he argued; then he begged to be allowed to go his own way. Instead of being grateful for God's mercy and obeying his rescuers, Lot resisted them and created trouble for them. Do you need to delay till an angel of God will come to hold your hand? You may not that be lucky.
One thing is evidently clear from our passage today, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of the righteous judgment of God which is coming upon the sons of evil ones in this present world. It is also true that God's love for lost sinners is clearly seen in this story. Jesus certainly did not approve of the lifestyle of the men of Sodom, but He came to save sinners just like those in Sodom and Gomorrah (Matt 9:9-17). When He ministered on earth, He was known as "a Friend of tax collectors and sinners" (11:19) — and He was. It is not true that Jesus hates you but the sin that is in your life. What a privilege we have that the Rock of Ages came down to us today like He did for the children of Israel while coming out of slavery to liberty. If you heard Him speak today do not harden your hearts (Ps.95:7, 8), answer and hold on to Him because delay could be dangerous. Remain blessed in the Lord.
Monday: - Father, I thank you for giving me Jesus Christ to redeem me from the power of death IJN
Tuesday: - Lord, give me the listening ears to hear you when you speak IJN
Wednesday: - Father in heaven, give me good speed that I may not lose hold of you IJN
Thursday: - Lord, I decree that I shall not be destroy for my ineptitude IJN
Friday: - Lord, save every member of Seed of Life from the present trouble of this nation IJN
Saturday: - Please Lord, do not destroy Nigeria in your anger, have mercy on us IJN
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